User Activity

I'm starting a project with BLUENRG-LP and I used WiSE Studio to map the pins and generate the initial project. On my board, I have an LED connected to a GPIO pin I would like to blink, so I added to the while loop:HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOA, LL_GPIO_P...
I'm trying to open a security session with an st25DV tag. I followed the manual and I am sending a message to present the default password (8 x 00h + 09h command + 8 x 00h) using HAL_I2C_Mem_Write. I already looked at the signal with a logic analyzer...
Hello, I am using the example code BLE_Throughput from the BlueNRG-2 DK to program a PCB. The example is working fine but the frequency of advertisements is too high for what I need and I could not find in the code where can I change it. Could someon...
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