IMPRECISERR hard fault on STM32F446RE
Hello Everybody![MCU] STM32F446RE[FreeRTOS] 10.2.1[CMSIS-RTOS] 2.00[IDE] STM32CubeIDE 1.3.1[FATFS] R0.12cI am developing an application and I experience some strange hard fault errors. The applications do...
Hello Everybody![MCU] STM32F446RE[FreeRTOS] 10.2.1[CMSIS-RTOS] 2.00[IDE] STM32CubeIDE 1.3.1[FATFS] R0.12cI am developing an application and I experience some strange hard fault errors. The applications do...
Cosine, Sine and other functions description:"a scaling must be applied in software to adapt it to the q1.31 range of ARG2" - It's wrong because ARG2 can be also in q1.15 format
Hello Guys,I am trying to setup UART under oscillator bypass mode in STM32f446RE Nucleo Board. I have created a new project in CubeIDE with UART under Asynchronous mode. I have commented out the SystemClock_Config and written my code for oscillator b...
Hello everyone,For one of our commercial product we are using STM32F0 as mcu, and IAR as compiler. Since the device is battery powered, it sleeps for 1 sec then wakes up and does some adc measurements and sleeps for next 1 sec. Instead of doing measu...
Hi all, I am developing hmi using stm32f746 microcontroller,it's running continuesly whenever I press reset button the total system is turned off and unable to turn it on even if I do power reset.the reset pin is common for microcontroller and LAN dr...
Hello,I have an question concerning the VBUS Pin which is connected to the STM32L476G Discovery (PIN PC11) directly. Why isn't 5V an problem for the PC11 pin? I thougt 5V would cause overvoltage?
Dear community,I am using the Nucleo-L4R5ZI board with STM32L4R5ZI chip embedded to experiment UART.Unfortunately, I am facing an issue when using interrupts.I looked up through the BSP (STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.15.1) provided by ST if examples were using ...
I set up DMA for a USART transmit operation with an ST32L412. Settings are 115200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity. I thought everything was working until I noticed the third character in all my outbound data not showing up. It turns out the default BY...
Hi,i designed myself a PCB with a STM32F030 with breakout pin (SWDIO, SWCLK, NRST, GND, UART1_TX, UART1_RX). When I try to debug it with VS Code, it doesn't work. I tried it with stutil, openocd (on st-link v2) as well as bmp (on BMP Bumpy). Nothing ...
Hi everyone,I'm relatively new to STM, i'm making my diploma thesis with it. It's going to be a mini, portable oscilloscope, but at this point I'm totally stuck. I started using ADC with DMA, but soon I realised this might be not the perfect option, ...