2020-09-17 1:34 PM
I am looking for some advice on which MCU dev board to get for a project that I am working on. An outline of the project is as follows:
Needs to read in 60 ADC inputs. Plan is to use 10 channels and then multiplex them.
Needs to have a sampling frequency of 1000Hz. What I mean by this is getting 60 ADC samples every 1/1000 seconds.
Needs to write the data to an sd card
(not required but would be bonus) has bluetooth capabilities for wireless start/stop of data collection
Any help would be appreciated!
2020-09-18 3:23 AM
You will not find a devel board with 60 analog inputs. So you will need some own board in any case.
2020-09-18 7:14 AM
To clarify again I plan to use a 10 channel adc device and have external multiplexers to read in the 60 inputs.
I need a device with a minimum of 10 adc inputs not 60.
2020-09-18 8:42 AM
Usually the general availability boards are either bare-bones, or fully committed.
Sounds to me you want something at the break-out board end of the spectrum, with a high pin count STM32
Perhaps look at the NUCLEO-144 series, or find some Alibaba, AliExpress, TaoBao type boards with 144 or 176-pin devices.
Perhaps look at WaveShare boards.
The DISCO and EVAL boards tend to have all pins committed to external memories, displays, SD Cards, etc.
Would probably not recommend H7 boards for ADC, people seem to have a lot of headaches.