If I configure more than four bytes, the qspi do nothing, it also happens if I set as address any other value than zero.I carefully read the application note 'AN4760' and it doesn't seem I'm doing anything wrong s_command.InstructionMode = QSPI_INST...
Hello STM community, I'm using a STM32 L476RGB NUCLEO with a XNucleo 53l0a1 I want to make the process of calibration but I have a problem when I compile my main program i get this error showing anyone know what i should do? you can see the screenTha...
Hi ,i have a problem with SPI slave device, it doesn't receive the clock signal from stm32f103 (Master), i have configured the baud rate correctly : 72Mhz/32 (SPI1), which is inside the range clock freq of slave device, CS pin is active low so when i...
in the user manual: Seconds interrupt, for generating a periodic interrupt signal with a programmable. but it is not as it is with the RTC alarmBest Regards Kadir
Hello,I am trying to communicate with interrupt between the Cortex M4 and M7. I tested the HSEM but, maybe I'm wrong, the semaphore locks a process when it waits for it.Thanks for you help
Hello there, I've been looking a way to sample ADC continously with DMA for measuring power supply current and voltage, and then another ADC for temperature reading which probably just readed only once per second.I've read STM32 ADC modes and yet don...
Hello ,I am working on project in which I have to write data to EEPROM using SPI.I am able to write data to eeprom successfully when I disable CPU I-Cache and D-Cache otherwise it failed.so is it necessary to disable both cache while using EEPROM or ...
I am using STM32F407VG. I am transmitting data from PC to STM32 using uart. I wrote the code to receive 100 bytes. Firstly I call the HAL_UART_Receive_DMA more than once and then I sent the data from PC to STM32.I observed it receives only 100 byte...
I'm using STM32F108RG on 48MHz clock configuration.I need to generate a 1 micrososeconds timer tick on it, for driving an output pin interfaced with a 3rd party device. Using PWM is not an option available.I tried configuring TIM3 with following para...