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firstly, i use stm32f103RBx as MCU. I2C2 set SMBusHost,the SMBusDevice set address 0x24, but the slave nack when smbhost send smbdevice address. the folllow is my timing:
my smbus device is a temperature sensor (TMP100).MCU is STM32F103RBT6when i wrote a word to slave as following:I2C_GenerateSTART(SMBus_NAME, ENABLE);while(!I2C_CheckEvent(I2C2,I2C_I2C_Send7bitAddress(SMBus_NAME, slaveAddr, I2C_Direction_Transmitter)...
hi, i wanna a stm32l072 datasheet CN version. no result on the
my type is stm32f031c6. i used TIM2_CH3 binding to DMA1_Channel1 , and set in PWM1_MODE.i find the PA2 no AFIO register to remapping function. the PA2 gotta no PWM pulse.
hi, i use stm32f031 to writing epprom at24c02,try to transmit data by DMA .but the flag DMA1_FLAG_TC2 make no effect. the datasheet tips the slave address cant not transmit by DMA. but the data can't be transmited success. waiting for your reply...
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