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Keil vs TrueSTUDIO IDE

Posted on January 19, 2018 at 16:19I have been using Keil IDE for years (as a hobbyist).Maybe someone who knows both Keil & TrueStudio could share some details about pros & cons.I know that the primary difference is lack of licensing limits in TS (K...


Hi! I use embendded ADC1 channel 3 in STM32H743VIT6 for sampling data. Input in differential mode. For improve SNR i added capacitor 47pF parallel to diff input pins see fig1. Also this capacitor required by AN5354 This led to decrease noise floor l...

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VIvan.1 by Associate II
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software reset for STM32f302vb

i have flashed RTOS firmware at location 0x8000000. i have another firmware(led blink) at location 0x8001e00. i am unable to jump from 0x8001e00 to 0x8000000 location. but i am able to jump from 0x8000000 to 0x8001e00(led bllink) and it is

ADC - DMA transfer fills only half buffer Stm32f7

I'm using an adc channel of Stm32f767zi to get 1024 samples of an analog signal and transfer data directly in memory trough DMA. I configured ADC and DMA with cubeMx, and I start the conversions trough software, when it starts until the half DMA call...

CCont.1 by Associate II
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read from UART DMA buffer on the fly

Hi, I have the below code where I trigger the UART DMA and write to a buffer, and in the while loop I simply do a read from the buffer 1st element:MX_UART7_Init(); Uartret = HAL_UART_Receive_DMA(&huart7, uartbuf, 300); while(1){ if(Uartr...

Wleon.1 by Associate II
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Hard Fault Detected STM32L031k6t6

Hey STM team, Recently I started to work with the STM microcontrollers. In my current project I have a STM32L031k6T6 with the ADC0 (PA0) reading the voltage and the channel 1(PA1) reading the Current. My Sample rate will be 1920Hz ( 32 points / cycle...

CMart.3 by Associate II
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