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Forum Posts

Hi, I am using NUCLEO-64 STM32F401 and I have attached a serial EEPROM to I2C3. I am using the LL library calls to try to write to the EEPROM but I cant get the slave address to appear on the I2C bus. I do see the start pulse on the scope. Code below.

The code below gets stuck at --- while (!txBytes) txBytes=LL_I2C_IsActiveFlag_ADDR(I2C3);and the ADDR bit never gets read as set?==========================================void I2C_Write(uint8_t dataCount, uint8_t data){ uint8_t I2CAddrWrite = 0xa0;...

DCull.1 by Associate
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Program gets stuck in for loop after interrupt runs

This has me scratching my head - my program runs fine UNLESS the interrupt occurs, after which it gets stuck in a for loop near the start of the program. I can't see any way these two things are connected with each other - there dont share variables....

deep_rune by Associate III
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STM32F427 is sometimes running slow after boot

I have an issue with STM32F427 where after doing reset for MCU in some cases the MCU is running at about half the speed after reset. All peripheral clock seem to be running at normal speed, but the MCU is just running at half the speed. All register ...

STM32H745 - SPI doesn't transmit any data. - SOLVED

SOLVED - look at edit below!I am trying to implement SPI on nucleoH745ZI-Q without HAL or any kind of driver, I wrote my own registers pointers and functions like digitalWrite, pinMode or printf. I set up RCC, GPIO and SPI registers (all set, checked...

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