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Hi TeamI have a DEVICE that provides me data via UART so i initially thought i can receive teh data to aurdino and send from arduino to STM32H7B3I-DKHowever i feel its not convinent to do this I want to connect the UART device that sends the data and...

DRAME.1 by Associate II
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I2C-Slave howto change direction in sequential transfer

I'm trying to emulate an 24c08 EEPROM with anSTM32F303.My problem is, that my master (can't change that behaviour) after sending the start and adresss-byte imediately send up to 16 byte of data, (write-operation) but in case of a read-operation it se...

HLipp by Associate
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IN NUCLEO-144H743 , only 3 ADC channels working in ADC 1

IN NUCLEO-144H743 , only 3 ADC channels IN3 ,IN18 ,IN19 working in ADC 1If I use INP5 or INP6, I am not reading anything, I am using Example ADC_RegularConversion_Polling  replacing sConfig.Channel with ADC_CHANNEL_5 and 6; Am I missing any Configura...

Bj.1 by Associate II
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2 micro second period with pwm output in stm32f373RCT6

Hi!,I am trying to generate pulse with PWM output with 2 micro second period and 50% duty cycle on STM32F373RCT6 on custom board. I have used Timer5.APB1 frequency is 70MHz.Prescalar value is 69 to generate counter clock frequency of 1MHz.ARR value i...

GAGGA.1 by Associate II
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STM32H743: misaligned LR register

What would cause the LR register to be misaligned?I occasionally get an UNALIGNED exception running Ethernet (lwIP). I suspect the DMA but I implemented as it is in the example and the

rammit by Senior
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STM32f4 uart receive data shifting

HelloI use the Nextion intelligent display with STM32f4 . Display communicate according to UART protochol. I can communicate but receive data is shifting .uint8_t Rx_data[4]={0,0,0,0}; // receive data void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *...

IDANI.1 by Associate
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Resolved! For some reason SysTick gets freezed in the USART_RxCpltCallback() even when systick priority is lower than USART priority, why?

Hi all, how are you?, I'm adapting some libraries for nextion HMI's to use with STM32F4 MCUs, then one of them uses the MCU timer which in my case is systick to determine if time has expired, the function is the following/* * Receive string data. *...

VRami.1 by Associate III
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