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For example the status of "STM8L15x/16x/05x/AL3Lx/AL31x standard peripheral library" STSW-STM8016 claims it is active. But the release notes seem to suggest that the last time someone took a look at it was at the end of 2014. That's not very active...
The first one is a minor typo I guess. The init code for the ADC has these lines in it:/* Enable ADC internal voltage regulator */ LL_ADC_EnableInternalRegulator(ADC); /* Delay for ADC internal voltage regulator stabilization. */ /* Compute num...
I'm using the STM32L031 and Low Layer code, generated with STM32CubeMX (lateset version)If the selected oscillator for the RTC is not LSE (e.g. after poweron) the code generated with STM32CubeMX will disable the LSE via a ForceBackupDomainReset rig...
I'm trying to teach myself C++ on STM32. Unfortunately the books on C++ I have and most websites I found do not mention interrupt handling. The websites where it was explained (,, etc) did it in a way I simply do not (y...
The STM32F103 does not have a Synchronous Prescaler. and the Asynchronous Prescaler can be set to (2^20 - 1) in the MCU.But STM32CubeMX doesn't allow a number higher than 127. Not really a problem of course, just a bit confusing. 
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