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Forum Posts

SysClock to 216MHz on STM32F7 using PLL not working

Hi, I am trying to set SysClock to 216MHz using stm32f769xx.hI have no access to MCO pins, so for testing I am trying to blink a led every second. ARR and PSC values to achieve it will confirm if I am to desired SysClock frecuency (Blink led using ti...

RCres.1 by Associate III
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Send reset with DFU using Cubeprogrammer Api

Hello,I am using STM32 CubeProgrammer Api and I succesfully bootload my STM32H743ZI but it stays in bootloader mode after download, is there any way to ask a reset ?There is a reset function in the dll but it specify that it only works in SWD/JTAG mo...

Quadrature encoder interface timestamping

Hi,I'm using the STM32G474 in dual BLDC driver application.I'm operation the encoder interface at X4 mode. For RPM calculation I would like to time stamp every transition event i.e. encoder count + timestamp.Timers in use: TIM1/8 - PWM, TIM2/3 - hall...

heifetsg by Associate II
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Why CubeMX use so many memory? I create the blink test from Stepbystep on NUCLEO-L011 with default settings (UART disabled). When I compile the project, it takes 77% of RAM and 33% of Flash.

There is somthings wrong in settings of my CubeMX?There is some optimizzatione that I can do?If I don't use CubeMX ( and so I don't use HAL), there is another libraryes that I can use in order to manage the MCU without managing register ?Thanks.

ABatt.1 by Senior
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Tera Term not working with STM32F407VG Board

I have been trying hard to produce a output in TeraTerm & RealTerm using uart2 via GPIO A Pins PA2 & PA3 which are directly connected to St-Linkv2 on my STM2F407VG Disc-1 Board. It just fails to produce anything. I am using STM32Cube IDE and STM32 Cu...

SPand.25 by Associate II
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