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Stm32F103RET6 with external DAC 7614e

Dear all,​This is supposed to be simple, but I have a serious problem that left me no choice but ask for a help! So any contribution is appreciated =)​ I have interfaced a STM32F103RET6 with an external 7614e DAC using SPI. According to the DAC datas...

AKh.1 by Associate II
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set up wifi with sdio

Hello Every BodyDoes any one have any code for setting up Wifi with sdio?My micro is STMF412 and My wifi module is JC-TSM89ES (Realtek RTL8189ES) Single Module.

Ybaya.1 by Associate
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Resolved! SPI Master/Slave Role Assignment between two MCUs?

Hi there,First of all, thank you for reading this post. I have a system that has an ARM Cortex M4 MCU interfacing with STM32G4 via SPI. In the current design, STM32G4 takes care of motor commutation related tasks. So the question I have is that who s...

DLin.3 by Associate II
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ADC polling to GPIOs

Hi. I'm trying to develop a kind of DSP for voice processing and I decided to do a bypass application first. I'm simulating my project with proteus and STMF103T6 device. As this device haven't DAC, I need to use a external 12 bits - DAC, and I did pr...

Dmato.11 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32G070RBT6 effective speed when running on 64MHz

I've read in RM that, when running on 64 MHz it has 2 wait states, meaning that 1 cycle instructions execution takes actually 3 cycles. If I understand this correctly, that means that the effective speed is actually 21.3 MHz? What use is there using ...

Slina by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32F4 discovery - DMA2 TC interrupt does not triggered

Hi, guys.Here is short description of my project:I have an ADC, that samples data via one regular channel and result sended via DMA. This DMA are working in Normal mode, so after DMA compete its transmission I processed received data and then enable ...

chupys by Associate II
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Troubleshooting ADC2 on STM32L412KB

Hi,I'm using both ADC's on the STM32L412KB, code is generated used the STM32 Cude with Low Level Drivers.ADC1 works as expected, but ADC2 always reads 0, no matter in which configuration. So I'm assuming it's not a hardware fault, but a configuration...

CLang.3 by Associate
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Strange fault under debugger, Atollic

A strange debugger (?) issue bugs me on Atollic TrueStudio.There's a "main firmware", started by bootloader at default address 08000000.To debug it I just created a default run config in Atollic, which does "monitor reset" before and after load. This...

Pavel A. by Evangelist III
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