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Resolved! STM32H725 Bulk capacitors values

Hello all,Regarding the STM32H725 bulk capacitors:Question 1:Is the capacitors required values taken into consideration the capacitance degradation Vs DC bias?For example:The SMPS input required is 4.7uF (10uF recommended)Looking at the STM32H735G-DK...

NirAlon by Associate III
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Resolved! HAL I2C Mem Read no longer working

Hi,I have been using Mem Read and Write for my project involving STM32 and ST25DV64K. These functions have been working for me previously but now they return HAL ERROR. I used to encounter this when I was inputting the wrong address but I have since ...

STM32 STM32F103C6T6A Bug report

 I am trying to program STM32 blue-pill board with STM32F103C6T6A  microcontroller and using STM32CUBE IDE. But nothing is able to upload the program to the microcontroller. When trying to upload the program, the following error messages are showing....

Stm32.jpg stm32_final_bug_report.PNG
khatus by Associate
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transform the function HAL_GetTick() in a 64bit

Hello Everybody, I would like transform the HAL_GetTick() function more than 49 days.I don't find a NVIC overflow on this function to increment a second variable. In my while I have do this with  uint32_t Mem_GetTick; uint64_t Tick64;   while (1) ...

JJoao.1 by Associate III
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WFI only works during debugging

Hi everyone!I have this code where the mcu goes into STOP3 mode, and is waked up by a button triggering a wake-up pin.But it only works in debug. Without the debugger, the mcu immediately exits WFI.In debug, when I execute che code, the user led turn...

Resolved! I2C & DMA how to configure correctly?

I am a beginner and learning I2C DMA, could you tell me what I'm doing wrong?I connected the LCD to Blue Pill and it works fine with function "HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit" i.e. without DMA!But, when DMA is configured, it is dosn't works!Very simple code,...

DK.7 by Senior
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stm32f103 reading integrated imu sensor

Hi, I am a beginner user of the stm32 board. I am working with an ICM20607 IMU sensor, and I want to read the accelerometer data (x, y, z axes) using the Cube IDE. I ve read a lot of sources for one week but couldn't find a way to fix it. I can't see...

Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 1.39.56 PM.png

STM32U031 SPI receive data of arbitrary length

Greetings!I am using the STM32U031 with STM32CubeMX HAL as an SPI Slave and would like to receive data that has variable length (max 50 bytes). I am using software NSS and my current approach is to start a DMA Rx/Tx transfer (using HAL_SPI_TransmitRe...

FlokRo by Associate
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