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Forum Posts

Read Systick Timer Value Directly for 1ms Timebase

Hi, I am working on a project on the STM32H730 that runs a high priority audio interrupt thread as well as a lower priority asynchronous loop for user interface processing and a 1ms SysTick interrupt for user interface processes that need some accura...

EPala.2 by Associate III
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Resolved! How to enable/disable Flash Write Protection?

Hi guys,I am read the example "STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.8.4\Projects\STM32F103RB-Nucleo\Examples\FLASH\FLASH_WriteProtection", and want to rewrite it on my code is as follows:  HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock(); HAL_FLASHEx_OBGetCo...

Junde by Senior III
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Resolved! Problem with I2C4 on STM32H745I-Disk

I have two codes, one only with the I2C4 communication working and the other code besides the I2C has the display but in this one the I2C communication does not work, what could be happening?With a logic analyzer I can see that in both codes the cloc...

Resolved! HAL_Delay is not working properly for stm32 blue pill

i'm trying to run a simple blinking led program on my stm32f103c8t6 (after i run it several times before successfully), and it doesn't work, when i fix the delay in 1000 ms the led is always on, when i decrement it to 100, 200, 300 it's working prope...

Monssef_0-1729150589677.png Monssef_1-1729150612727.png
Monssef by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F410: ITRx "reserved"?

Hi guys,can someone please explain the internal trigger connections for the stm32f410 controllers to me?According to the referance manual (RM0401, see below) only TIM1 and TIM5 can be configured as slave timers with just ONE possible internal trigger...


Powering STM through USB-C port

Hi,I want to power a STM32Ux based board using USB-C port. I am required to use two numbers of  a Type-A to USB-C type of cable and also it should support USB-C to USB-C type of cable in OR ring. Max load current of the board is less 1.5A. I am looki...

SKCL-1 by Associate
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