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Resolved! Pull-down resistors on ADC pins on STM32H563RGTx

Is the pull down resistors on PA7 and PC1 necessary or can I skip these? (These pins are SPI2 MOSI) The reason why I ask is because I need to use the ADC functionality of these pins, but with the pull down resistors it's messing up my ADC readings, s...

Oscar3 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32C011F4 FLASH size 32kB ?

I have some strage problems trying to access all 32kB FLASH on this chip.If I run a program in the first 16kB of the flash space, it runs perfectly and I can read and write the full 32kB of flash. Reading and writing the full flash is also possible f...

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danmcb by Associate II
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I3C Target always Nack

Hello,I'm a newbie ,and I'm facing some issues.. I used two NUCLEO-H503RB boards, one as a controller and the other as a target. I connected them as shown below. . And I tried them  with the Example code "I3C_Controller_Private_Command_IT & I3C_Targe...

7235f818-c10f-453d-a1cd-2ceaa4e5a181.jfif 螢幕擷取畫面 2024-09-19 103759.png Vinc_L_0-1727318491588.png
Vinc_L by Associate
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UART Receive interrupt stuck issue

As per my understanding of stm32 uart driver interrupt code the usual process for receive interrupt is,1. HAL_UART_Receive_IT:It checks if huart->RxState is HAL_UART_STATE_READY.If true, it sets huart->RxState to HAL_UART_STATE_BUSY_RX.2. When Data i...

Resolved! Protect the MCU without making hardware changes.

Hello everyone,I’m facing an issue described in this link: My STM32 device is overheating and has malfunctioned.My STM32G070CBT MCU has been damaged, specifically from the PC6 pin, which wasn’t in use. Unfortunately, the pin is connected to another d...

Wadeva by Associate III
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Resolved! Minimum Vbat level for TAMPER detection (STM32G491)

Hi, We have an application on STM32G491 where need to detect a button press after the device was switched off for some minutes. To implement this, we connect a standard capacitor (100 µF) to Vbat pin, Activate battery charging to load the capacitor, ...

SD card to USB data Copy using the CH376s IC

Hello,   I am Use the STM32F091 controller Now we are facing issue on data copying from SD card to USB pendrive. error is "No Free Sector available" Ping is ok, File is open all are ok only problem on last phase How to resolve that ? Please suggest m...

YShah.1 by Associate II
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