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Forum Posts

Why not replace Systick by hardware timer?

Recently a thought popped up when I had a look through interrupt handlers (Using HAL):As Systick handler gets called every millisecond (if not changed to something else) only to increase a counter, doesn't this unnecessarily waste valuable compute ti...

ABaus by Associate
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Serial vieuwer shows weird characters!

hey,I have a STM32L432 and with putty i can see a sort of serial monitor. It works.....sort of, well i see weird characters. i have the same baud rate and the rest of the settings are dafeault. i have put the code under here.if you have the answer i...

OTosu.1 by Associate II
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STM32f103 Clock configuration problem

Hello,Here is my code:#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "stm32f10x_gpio.h" #include "stm32f10x_rcc.h"   void GPIOSYS(void){ GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIOStructure; RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO,ENABLE); //GPIO_PinRemapConfi...

JJohn.3 by Associate II
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How to get started with STM32L452 SDMMC interface

I am trying to use the STM32L452RE Nucleo to research an interface to an eMMC device. I have generated a project for this using STM32CubeMX. The eMMC device I am using has its interface voltage connected to 3V3, however, when I look at the CLK output...

Resolved! GPIO Output speed range STM32H7

Hi,I am working with STM32H743ZII was configuring GPIO output pins and I have to define "speed" which I assume is related to opamp slew rate. But I have a problem with the units, I can choose between "Very high", "High", "Medium", "Low". After readin...