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Forum Posts

Resolved! Sending one byte via SPI STM32G474

I need to send data one byte at a time via SPI. After transferring the byte, I set "Chip Select" from the program to state 1. I track the end of the transfer by the BSY bit in the SPI_SR register. But the microcontroller transmits two bytes, the firs...

Akoli.1 by Associate II
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How to read IC with SMBus interface using I2C?

I want to read registers of BQ40Z50 IC. Its using SMBus for tranceive data. But I need to speak with it using I2C. I use STM32F072 -> I2C2. It doesnt support SMBus-interface, but SMB is based on I2C.I havnt posibility to connect that IC to I2C1. We c...

APoli.1 by Associate
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Main website links broken (403 error)

Hi, From the website/microcontrollers most of the links from the main page result in a "403 error" when clicking on the links to the various micros (See image below)This is an example link that is currently returning a 403 error. Any idea wha...


Flash program and erase operations and access latency

Hi,Master:​I have the following questions about flash introduction in the manual (DM00091010):​Question 1:The manual(3.2.2) says:"On the contrary, during a program/erase operation to the Flash memory, any attempt to read the Flash memory will stall t...

Lyu.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H753: How is an ECC in the L1 caches reported

Hi,I'm currently working on a STM32H753. I'm trying to figure out how an ECC error upon a cache look up is reported. The cortex M7 reference manual doesn't provide much info in that regards with the following text:Each cache can also be configured wi...

DBine.1 by Associate
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Resolved! BSP testing

Hi AlWondering how do you test the infrastructure before delivering it to the application teams?I’m basically referring to the HAL layer , CMSIS and all BSP layer with peripherals.Is there a known methodology for validation tests for these capabiliti...

deckhard by Associate III
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STM32G070RB, Maximum Alarm length

What is the maximum alarm length in the G070. I only see about 30days.I need 6 months.I guess I could implement one using the TAMP_BKPxR registers and compare the RTC DR , TR with the alarm values I have store in the TAMP regs. ( stripping out the W...

MEder by Associate III
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