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Forum Posts

I am using STM32CubeMX to generate an MDK-ARM project for NUCLEO-L552ZE-Q. If, in the clock configuration tab, I select HCLK/8 as SysTick clock source, the SysTick initialization code generated produces a wrong time base.

The problem arises because by selecting both HCLK and HCLK/8 the SysTick is always initialized like this:SysTick->CTRL = SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk | SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;thus selecting HCLK as clock source in both cases.Maybe the correct code sh...

GRizz.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H7 Simple SPI Rx does not work

Hello,I am using SPI1 on STM32H743ZI MCU.When I use SPI Transmit Function it works well.But when I use :HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi1, ads_buf, READBACK_LENGTH,500);ads_buf is still full of 0, it does not get filledI checked with logic analyser and it is wo...


How can i use icmp_ping()?

I wants to get ping another device such as PC using lwip. I find some file in : the problem is that i can't use these functions. How can i u...

hz.11 by Associate
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STM32F412: Changing CAN bus BAUD rate on the fly

I have configured CAN module 1 on the STM32F412 and it works fine when initialized with a certain BAUD rate (For example 500K). I have a GPIO input, which when toggled needs to changed the BAUD rate to 250K. The sequence I am following with STM32Cube...

kd_1zac by Associate
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