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Forum Posts

PWM Frequency Variation Issue in STM32G0C1RET6

Hello, I am trying to vary the PWM frequency of Timer 2 in between 20Khz to 200 Khz in stm32G0C1RET6 Board.1. Whenever I change the Frequency from 200 Khz to 20 Khz, it works. but then I change it again to 200Khz it just doesn't work. my PWM line goe...

Rohit007 by Associate III
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Resolved! I2C Gives No Output

For the life of me I cannot get the I2C pins on my microcontroller to output anything.I am using I2C1 on pins PB6 (SCL) and PB9 (SDA) on the STM32F746VGT microcontroller. The pins are hooked up to a TXS0108E level shifter that has built-in pull up re...

CCend.2 by Associate III
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Resolved! FDCAN Bus Configuration Issue: Error at Higher Bit Rates

Hello Everybody,MCU: STM32H750XB (STM32H750DK Discovery Kit)FDCAN Clock : 40MHzI'm experiencing an issue with my FDCAN bus configuration where the node enters Error state and issue persists with any data rate higher than the nominal rate of 500 kbps....

Dev_k by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 and 10BASE-1TS

Hi folks,   I need to use setup system where is 10BASE-T1S communication. And we have stm32H7 controller, so questions is which one would better use LAN8651 (MAC+PHY) chip and do controlling of chip via SPI or chose LAN8670 (PHY) and do chip controll...

Tappi74 by Associate
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Space Parity Setting on STM32L010RB

I want to send data from my STM32 to another micro controller and I want to enable space parity, there is no setting to enable it, the only settings are none, odd and even. For space parity i want the parity bit to always be 0.  I am using 9 bit UART...

Hse and hsi clock select

I am just switching clock source to MCU in RCC_CR register by making HSEON bit of above register high and waiting till HSERDY but turnsup. But thing after HSERDY turns up when I read rcc_cr register both HSEON,HSION bit of RCC cr are at logic 1. Then...

Resolved! STM32H743 RAMECC behaviour

I'm trying to use the RAMECC monitoring subsystem on an STM32H743 but there's some behaviour I don't understand. I've read the reference manual (RM0433 rev 7) and application note AN5432, as well as some related forum posts here.If I set an interrupt...

KORourke by Associate
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