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Hi everyone!I'm having trouble in measuring the VBAT through ADC. I'm using a battery of 2.5V and when I measure VBAT through ADC, I'm getting values around 4000mV. Here's my code:/**  * @brief ADC1 Initialization Function  * @PAram None  * @retval N...
Hey there!Can we allocate the USB classes dynamically?Like, first we Initialize the USB Device stack,  just register the CDC class and add its interface and start the USB Device Core (which pulls up the D+ line)This we need to do (atleast registering...
Hi everyone!I'm working on USB MSC implementation on STM32U0 series MCU with W25Q32JV (NOR Flash) by using USBX + ThreadX.W25Q32 Memory organization:- It has 64 blocks and each block is of size 64KB- Each block has 16 sectors and each sector is of si...
Hello,I'm working on a project which includes: W25Q32 (NOR Flash), File system and USB MSC + CDC on STM32U0 series MCU - STM32U073RCT6.Till now, I've implemented these:- SPI setup and communication with the NOR Flash (W25Q32)- For the file-system par...
I'm using STM32U073MCT6 MCU. I have a custom board (which contains this MCU and other required components) and I have 4 stages in my data logger that I want to develop using this board:1) Just the battery is soldered and trip isn't started2) Trip sta...