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I'm using STM32U073MCT6 MCU. I have a custom board (which contains this MCU and other required components) and I have 4 stages in my data logger that I want to develop using this board:1) Just the battery is soldered and trip isn't started2) Trip sta...
I'm using STM32U083C-DK which contains STM32U083MCT6 MCU. I want to use W25Q32 NOR Flash using standard SPI protocol. For implementing the file system, for my MCU -> Middleware doesn't have FATFS instead it has FileX, LevelX and ThreadX. I couldn't f...
I'm using STM32U083C-DK which has STM32U083MCT6 MCU. And I have an external NOR Flash memory: W25Q32JVSSIQ.I've implemented the SPI communication with the Flash memory and able to reset, read the device ID and do basic Flash memory operations such as...
I'm a fresher as a Firmware engineer. I'm currently working on dataloggers. I'm using STM32U083C-DK board which contains STM32U083MCT6 MCU. I've written the code for the basic functionality of the device i.e sleep and wakeup logic using STM32CubeIDE....
Hey everyone!I'm using STM32U083C-DK dev board which has STM32U083MCT6 MCU on it.Using STM32CubeIDE, I tried to put the device in Stop2 mode (one of the low power modes) entire time and when a button is pressed, it wakes-up, Blinks an LED and again g...