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Forum Posts

I want to use CubeMX examples with CubeIde

I just started using CubeIde but using Cube examples gives a lot errors. Should I just copy all the .H and .C files (from where?) somewhere or is there a better way.I have 32H750 and 32F746 Discovery boards and my own boards.

LMI2 by Lead
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Enter and Exit from stop mode for stm32f103

Hello,For my project, I would like to enter and exit from stop mode. My intended application would be something like, the processor should wait for 1 or 2 minutes with RTC Alarm and it should wakeup if ther is any external interrupt or if there is no...

JHemb.1 by Associate II
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http server c # communication problem

Dear all,want to check the input and output status of a board I designed with stm32h7 with Http protocol. My web page works fine in chrome. When I try to access the board via c #, I get an error "The server committed a protocol violation". also my c...

STM32G030 ADC issue

Hello,I am using STM32G030C8 microcontroller's several ADCs. Most of them are working okay but two of them (ADC1 IN15, PB11 and ADC1 IN16, PB12) are not showing correct ADC values.In ADC IN15: When I use only this channel in the code then it shows 0 ...

MFaiz.2 by Associate II
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