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Forum Posts

Would you tell me the condition(Hi/Low/Hiz/PullHigh/PullLow) of all ports of STM32G474 MCU chip when it gets boot mode with boo0 pin of high?

I'm building a new custom PCB with the MCU(STM32G4) chip and needs to get it updated with a new Firmware through UART by main computer. then I HAVE TO CARE all MCU pins so as NOT to make bad effects on other LSI during boot mode. I need to know all t...

TKoya.1 by Associate
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Why does my Opamp PGA seem to be 10, not 16?

Hi,I have a board, with STM32f303. It generally works fine, but I am using the opamps and they are causing me trouble. I have set them up to have PGA of 16, and be internally connected to the ADC, and have test points on my board where I can measure ...

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DMolo by Senior
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Resolved! float correctly displayed in debug but not in release.

Dear experts,i try to use the float library with printf or vsnprintf. The option nano has been checked, the -u _printf_float too. The latest version of STM32cubeIDE, the proc is STM32F446RE. The value of floats are correctly displayed in debug but i...

papageno by Associate III
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About alternate function of STM32F746

Hello,STM32F74xxx Reference manual (RM0385) 6.3.2 I / O pin alternate function multiplexer and mapping has the following description.After reset the multiplexer selection is alternate function 0 (AF0).I think that when AF0 is selected, it will be ass...

[STM32G474] - ADC Error

Hello everyone,I am currently working with the STM32G474QET6.Trying to measure Honeywell pressure sensors whose output voltage ranges from 0V to 3V.The problem is that the measurements have a much greater error than indicated in the data sheet.To rul...

JTánt.1 by Associate II
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Using ITM printf on STM32H723 Nucleo board

Hi all,I'm tying to use the ITM printf on my STM32H723 Nucleo board in my Keil project without success. I configured the HAL with CubeMX and add the initialization for the SWD_Init(). I enabled tracing in Keil but I do not get any output. I checked:S...

JSchu.5 by Associate II
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