The other end of USB is a custom board which can act as a CDC device.(When connecting the custom board to PC, interface showing as per the attachment.. Showing as RNDIS interface and 3 virtual COM Port.)Attached code which we tried for USB host. Pl...
After 36, it will give error and exited from code.I tried another card , the code will set the sector count to 16 and loops through it to make the read complete. As i am trying a large file, its taking so much time.I just want to know, is the se...
When i tried to give Pull ups for SPI pins except SPI1_SCK, i am getting FR_NOT_READY error.I am completely stuck in this issue. Please have a look into this and provide a solution for me.Thanks in advance.Jestina
The QSPI pins are mentioned in STM32H7A3 reference document. Please refer Img1.In STM32CubeIDE I am seeing the interface as OCTOSPI. Please refer Img2.I need to know Does STM32H7A3 board supports QSPI or OCTOSPI?If it supports , please give the det...
Hi,Thanks for the answer.#define BUFFER_SIZE 5601949unsigned char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; fresult = f_read (&fil, buffer, f_size(&fil), &br);My file is of size 5601949. When i compiled the code, I am getting an error like "region `RAM' overflowed by 549...
Hi @devtty ,Thanks for your update. I double checked the connections and could not find anything wrong. I am using a 6 pin SD card break out board and its wired using jumper wires.Jestina