STM32F469 IBIS Model
Hi,I am not able to download the IBIS model for STM32F469.I see a 404 error. Can someone please fix it.As first few STM32MCU ibis models show this error when we download.Regards,Ahmed
Hi,I am not able to download the IBIS model for STM32F469.I see a 404 error. Can someone please fix it.As first few STM32MCU ibis models show this error when we download.Regards,Ahmed
Hey,im going to use the STM32h743 uCIn case the SW got stuck, is it possible to reset the program internally ?i would like "to save" implementation of External HW Watchdog. Moreover, do you have any recommendation for external HW circuit for Watchdo...
hiI'm trying to write small application with wake up every 5min, I have tried to use Stop mode and looks like its working. I done some measurements and looks like current during Stop is around 8.8uA. Can you have a look if we can lower consumption?Ca...
I work on STM32H750VBT7 project using IAP. I cannot see right character (for example 0x30) output after calling LL_USART_TransmitData8. I do check TDR had got right content. The user program address is 0x8006000, I had changed VECT_TAB_OFFSET as 0x60...
BlueNRG-MS claims to support the Bluetooth Core Specification 4.2, which includes the data length extension. However, I don't find any pointers on how to enable it. For the BlueNRG-2, there appear to be special commands in the HCI LE API (see https:/...
I have a USB camera connected to a STMF746G Discovery board. I like to get the frames from the camera and show them in a TouchGFX application (e.g. using dynamic bitmaps). How do I get the camera frames? Is there any simple code example?
Hello,GPIO port output has a speed register (GPIOx_OSPEEDR).When I use it for functions other than GPIO, can I set the slew rate with this register?If not, is there any other way to set the slew rate?Goto
Hi,Using "STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.8.0" to config STM32F407 Uart1 as following///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void USART1_Init(u32 baudrate){ USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStructure; GPIO_InitTypeDef ...
Hi everyone,Thanks in advance for your time.Im starting my first application in ST: a power converter controller. I need to be able to control two three-phase inverters with SPWM modulation, for which I think STM32H743 is the microcontroller I need. ...