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64-bit timer in STM32L4S5ZI

Hi,I am using STM32L4S5ZI which has only a timer with maximum capacity of 32-bit. The DWT(Data Watchpoint Trigger) is somehow not available because when I check for DWT->CNT it always shows 0. So I needed a 64-bit timer for my application which keeps...

SJant.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7 LPUART Stays at RX Interrupt Constantly

Hello everyone;I'm working LUPART with STM32H747. I have a problem like this;- LPUART 1000000 baudRate has been installed. LSE clock is not used.There is no problem when the LPUART's RX-TX line is physically connected to the module. But when I physic...


HiI just wonder at the example:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.26.0/Projects/STM32469I-Discovery/Examples/FMC/FMC_SDRAM/Src/main.cand there is a define:#define WRITE_READ_ADDR ((uint32_t)0x0800)Whats the purpose of that (offset?)? Doesn't the FMC SDRAM start ...

PGroe.2 by Associate III
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Need help running STM32F4 from internal RAM

Hi Experts,I need to run my code (it is a small code) from internal RAM. It currently runs from the first sector in the flash. For some reason, I need to change a few bytes in the same sector and it seems I can't write to the same sector from where t...

RBharol by Associate III
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Long Press on flexButton

Hi all,I'm trying to manage a long pression on a Flex button.I want realize this simple algorithm:short pression = action_1()long pression(IE 2secons) = action_2()I enabled clickListener over this Flex button, I configured the trigger event on "Touch...

MPast.1 by Senior II
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I'm having trouble with the STM32F030xC I2C bootloader. I can send a command OK, but get errors from my I2C system (Windows based using FTDI) when I try and read the response. My question relates to an ambiguity in AN4221.

AN4221 says it will enter I2C boot mode on detecting its address and will then start waiting for commands. What is not clear is whether this address is sent as part of the first command, or by some separate undescribed operation. I've tried various a...

Nrose.2 by Associate
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designing at runtime

I want that the user can design the screen at runtime. So I'm trying to add box, text, image to the screen by the user button. I tested font caching for the text and didn't know how to add the text and where it should be. Even the text is cached, ho...

Ezgi by Senior
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STM32 ADC readings are saturating, any thoughts?

So we have just gone into production on a new design, a very small part of the circuit monitors the devices battery voltage fed into one of the ADC channels. I am finding that 1 in every 50 boards has developed a failure with the ADC where it just re...

Rclar.13 by Associate II
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