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Hi Good People. I have a custom board using a STM32F429 (loosely based on a STM32F429 DISCO) driving a 800 x 480 touch screen display (LTDC). I have used TouchGFX, STM32CubeMX (with FreeRTos) with Keil compiler. Everything is working fine, except t...
Happy New Year to you all.A little help please...I may have been a little ambitious with this project, but here goes.I have made a board using a STMf429igt (176 pin).This is based on the STM32F429 Eval board, (which uses the BGA216 version of the pro...
Posted on December 08, 2014 at 18:18Hi I am still (trying to learn) learning how to code STM32F devices using Keil MDK and maybe foolishly, made a pcb with a STM32F383CC6 on it.Firstly how do I use the Keil MDK or CubeMX when it does not appear to r...