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Forum Posts

Using ADC3 when ADC 1 & 2 are running in DMA

I am successfully using a timer and DMA to capture 4096 samples from ADCs 1 & 2 using a master slave configuration on a STM32H747- Disco board.I would really like to simultaneously capture 3 channels. Is it possible to capture samples from ADC 3 usin...

AStew.1 by Associate II
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Stm32H7 DMA ADC Low Bit Resolution

Hello Everyone,I am using the stm32h7 to sample 4 channels from adc1 using the DMA.I am using circular mode with half word size. I start the dma and let it fill up a memory buffer:volatile uint16_t adcInsDMA[4*ADCBLOCKSIZE] = {0};   HAL_StatusTypeDe...

TCash.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! Blinking LED

Hi all,Just started with bare metal programming of stm32f411re.Uploaded the following code to blink the onboard led of the nucleo board.Code:#include "stm32f4xx.h"         // Device headervoid delayMs(int delay);int main (void){RCC->AHB1ENR |= 1;GPIO...

KRaja.1 by Associate
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Connecting STM32F7 FMC with SDRAM and 8 bit data bus

When using a 16 bit data bus, the STM32CubeMX generates outputs for FMC_NBL1 and FMC_NBL0 that connect to the SDRAM DQMH and DQML pins. If the STM32CubeMX is configured for an 8 bit data bus, there is no DQM pin generated, although the 8 bit SDRAM h...

MPatt.11 by Associate II
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Hello,I want to ask if it is possible to drive TFT with FMC (Flexible Memory Controller), our TFT has only MCU interfaceI think EMwin has no option for MCU interface at STemWin_CM7_wc16 library.We used same TFT with STM32F207 by using FSMC .If its n...

AKINI by Associate III
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Resolved! Generating specified number of pulses using PWM

Hi All,I am trying to generate required no of pulses using PWM. This is to implement to control stepper motor with position control. I use HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_IT to start pulsing and count the no of pulses in HAL_TIM_PWM_PulseFinishedCallback. I notice...

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Ayemyitta by Associate II
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Resolved! Synced timers with period multiples

Hey folks!Got some questions around synced timers on STM32F401, where the aim is to have two timers start together, where one timer has a period an integer multiple of the other. I've got what I need working but how it works, doesn't add up.Here's th...

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DCall.1 by Associate
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