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Timer Input randomly skips interrupt.

I'm sertanly missing something.I have a board with STM32F103 that control fan via PWM and have to check it's speed with Fan's TACH out. TACH out is consistent PWM signal with duty cicle 50% and frequency 80 Hz.Chip is running with 64MHz clock, APB1 i...

viteo by Associate II
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STM32H745 Nucleo: ADC with DMA don't work

Hi! I have STM32H745 Nucleo and i want to transfer data from ADC via DMA.1. At first i write code for ADC with out DMA (ADC3, PF10 in) and it work excellent. I get positive knovlege.2. At second step i tried to use DMA (DMA1 stream 1), but code don't...

AAnt.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! Compatible MCU among stm32f4 series

Hi, everyone. I am Emily.​ I would like to know the MCU which is compatible to 'stm32f446RET'.​Also I wanna double-check the possiblity of compatible usage between 'stm32f407VET'​ and 'stm32f417VET'.​Please help me:crying_face:​

EHa.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! ADC Sampling of Voltages > 2.8V effects VDD

Using STM32L431RCT6 (VDDA and VREF+ bondet together). VDDA/VREF is 3.0V and VDD is 1.8V. If i'm sampling voltages larger then 2.8V that effects VDD (Jumping from 1.8V to approx. 2.06V for approx. 400ms). Any Idea's what i'm doing wrong?

MGehr.3 by Associate II
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