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Advice on STM32F103 GPIO port sharing

First, the "atomic" port ODR issue when more than one function or task may use the same GPIO port. Is the best thing to do ALWAYS to use BRR and/or BSRR to change the ODR values? From what I've read we need to be wary of an interrupt or other task ch...

STM32L412CBT6P startup problem

I have soldered MCU chip to a PCB and programed it by ST-Link using STM IDE.when I run MCU using ST-Link it is working fine. But When I use an external DC supply it's showing malfunction, (most of the time not working). I have connected the BOOT0 pin...

Spatr.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F745 FMC SDRAM Interface Theoretical Timining

Hello,I want to setup a STM32F745IEK6 together with an SDRAM from Micron Type MT48LC8M16A2P-6A.I analyzed the theoretical signal Intergrity for the devices and I had to end because of my question:The setup time of MT48L is required with min. 1,5 ns. ...

FGrie.1 by Associate
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SYSCLOCK configuration problem on STM32F100VE

Hello, I have a software that has been workingfine for several years on a STM32F100VCT6. However, today we are trying to use thissoftware on the MCUs ref: 100VDT6 or 100VET6. On these 2 new references no programming problem with the same binary file....

VCedr.1 by Associate
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Resolved! Volatile qualifier does not matter in my interrupt routine

I am new to embedded C, and I recently watched some videos about volatile qualifier. They all mention about the same things. The scenarios for the use of a volatile qualifier :1. when reading or writing a variable in ISR (interrupt service routine)2....

MJoe.1 by Associate II
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