Resolved! STM32L4 LSI: 32000Hz or 32768Hz?
Hello,I am using STM32L4S9 and the datasheet mentions the LSI is 32khz. Is this 32000hz or 32768hz? Best,Jeff
Hello,I am using STM32L4S9 and the datasheet mentions the LSI is 32khz. Is this 32000hz or 32768hz? Best,Jeff
Hi guys, I'm looking to implement ADC and DMA with HAL on a F767. I want the ADC to be always converting and storing to memory via DMA until it reaches the buffer limit of 320 and then I want to go to a conversion complete callback function. ADC seem...
Hi, I am trying to receive CAN message on a F405, but the Rx interrupt doesn't trigger. Sending works fine however.I am also in doubt about the CAN1_RX0_IRQHandlerbecause I can't find any documentation when it is triggered, the HAL manual only refers...
Hello!Hello everyone, recently there is a need to use stm32f429 hardware I2C as a slave, debugging a few days without normal communication, want to find a demo referencethanks
Description:I'm running Timer 3 to produce a continuous PWM output on Channel 1.I'm also running Timer 1 in slave mode to Timer 3, in PWM one shot mode with the Repetition Counter set to 5 and the Update Event Interrupt enabled.This causes Timer 1 to...
I am planning to use LED2472GQTR 24 channel LED driver for a project but MCU used in the EVK is STM32F103C6T6 which is a 32 bit MCU. My application is only driving LEDs nothing more. Any simple MCU with SPI interface around 20 to 28 pin count can be ...
--------EDIT: I added a minimal example project, 2 posts below.--------Using the WWDG on STM32L07, because I need the EWI interrupt it offers to prevent the reset in certain situatons.(Edit: orig. config code + some obsolete explanation removed. The ...
Dear comrades!I have encountered a problem while debuging my STM32H742VG project.I am falling into HardFault just after system init and do not know any reason why it is happening. I am starting my MCU with HSI clock and debugign with a STLink v2 debu...
I've just bought a STM32H747I-DISCO board and trying to blink the leds on the board (LED1 to LED4). However, when I assign these leds to CM4 core, they won't light when I use default peripheral settings of this board. CM7 core can do this without pro...
Hello! I once asked a question about ADC:("adc-functionality-in-stm32f1-stm32l15x-series")Since then, the ADC has gotten much,much better, thank you!There are even versions with 16-bit. But there is still one serious problem. This is a built-in refer...