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Forum Posts

external QSPI flash issue

we are using stm32h745 chip,we want to 64 mb algorthim but in dfp file has 128 mb algorthim only,Controller how to accesess through 64 mb qspi flash.

Nredd.1 by Associate III
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Odd and Even CAN bus ID's FilterConfig

Hi, I am working with STM32F103 and configured CAN filter to receive ODD and EVEN ID's to FIFO0 and FIFO1 accordingly: CAN_FilterTypeDef sFilterConfig; sFilterConfig.SlaveStartFilterBank = 28; sFilterConfig.FilterActivation = ENABLE; sFilterCo...

JBond.1 by Senior
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Application cross two Bank, possible?

For stm32h7b3 , there are two Bank of flash, and each 1M, We are designing a big application which code size may exceed 1m.So may I know if possible to ​use two bank for this application? Any limitations for it?Or if possible to put application to ex...

jiangpen by Associate II
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Resolved! FMC interfacing lcd screen minor issue

I have nearly managed to interface one lcd screen(ili9341 16bit parallel fmc intel 8080 protocol) with my stm32 device but I am stuck at the very last step.I have connected the screen wires to the mcu , I have configured fmc from cube mx correctly , ...

SMour.1 by Associate III
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