Hello,I'm new to all this, first-year uni student and still learning java. I'm working on someone else's code for the uni motorsport club in c++ and the original coder has left.Currently, we detect the wheel speed using a hall effect sensor and captu...
Hello,I connected my STM32 board and it's blinking.However, I get "Found 0 stlink programmers" when I run st-info --probeI am running Catalina 10.15.2.Would anyone know how to resolve this? I looked for info/drivers but did not find anything.st-info ...
I have a master Node with NEC MCU (https://www.manualslib.com/manual/109966/Nec-Pd78052.html?page=289) which commincates with a slightly modified I2C protocol called SBI. I would like to make a SLAVE node, which communicates with the above mentioned ...
Can LPTIM1 be used to wake the STM32H7 from CSTOPoperating mode?From RM0455 the "RCC APB1 low-sleep clock register (RCC_APB1LLPENR" has the following bit: However the above mentions CSLEEP, not CSTOP which is a lower power operating mode.I think I ca...
I am using the Cube IDE to put the STM32H723VET into standby (which to my knowledge is the lowest power consumption). The code below is what I use, I just want to make sure this is doing things correctly and I haven't missed any settings or anything...
Hello,I'm struggeling a bit in understanding the whole features of possible RTC improvements. General information, right now I'm using a STM32L051 and a external 32,768kHz Oscillator for the RTC. It's working in general, but the OSC has +/-30ppm whic...
Hello,We are using STM32G431KBU6, and we would like to incorporate Hardware SSI, i.e. send data via DMA, or at least send every 32 bit chunk via DMA.So far we were only able to do implement Software SSI (an interrupt per host clock).Your advice is ap...
I am using Keil Development environment for stm32g071 nucleo board. Which device should I choose? stm32g071rbIx or stm32g071rbTx? And how do I decide which one is correct for me?
Hello!I have ported overt X-CUBE-CLKTRIM to the STM32L4R5ZI Nucleo board. Unfortunately the callback HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallback is not called. Which results in the HSI and MSI frequency measurements to be calculated as 0. I have put a function genera...