Hi all,I'm trying to setup a DMA TX UART code using STM32H743VI MCU. The problem I'm facing right now is every time I call HAL_UART_Transmit_DMA function, I get a HAL_DMA_ERROR_TE in my DMA error call-back. The actual line of code is as follows:char ...
The min sample time is 2.5 ADC clock cycles and max.ADC clock is 80MHz, with this the sampling time is coming as 31.25ns but you mentioned as 18.75ns. Here, I think ST has taken the ADC clock cycles are 1.5. I felt it as a bug.
On F4 (and also other families) The TIM2_ETR and TIM2_CH1 are both on the same pins.The pins are PA0, PA5 and PA15.How can I configure the timer/gpio to get ETR on PA5 and CH1 on PA15 ?The alternate function numbers are the same for ETR and CH1...I n...
Hi,I am looking on getting CM7 CPU Context backup inside Window Watchdog Early Interrupt handler (HAL_WWDG_EarlyWakeupCallback). The CPU context should include LR, PC, PSR, R0 to R3 and R12.Any help, example or code reference is appreciated.Thanks
Hi, i want to use STM32H750 with two QSPI Nor flash (W25Q128JV). Purpose of one of them is store static libs and constants. So i will use in memory mapped xip mode. The other one is using in read/write mode for store data.Before, i have used both of ...
Hi,I'm trying my hand at bare metal programming on the F4 Discovery board. I've been loosely following this code to get the RCC configuration sequence right to set the main sys clock to 168MHz but with my adaptations. I'm able to see 16MHz on MCO1 (P...
For the stm32f429 1MB dual bank there is documentation relating to setting dual bank mode, and for the stm32lxxx there is documentation relating to setting dual bank mode, but not for the stm32f429 2MB dual bank. I'm wondering now if read-while-wri...
Hello,I'm currently playing around with the QSPI_ReadWrite_DMA example on an STM32F769I_EVAL board.Link to example: https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeF7/tree/master/Projects/STM32F769I_EVAL/Examples/QSPI/QSPI_ReadWrite_DMA.The demo seems...