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Forum Posts

How to use JSON library in st micontrollers

I want to use JSON library to send customized data to serverWhere i can get the library?Micro controller connected with modem (sim900a)Motive is to how to send Json formatted data from st controller to server.*My controller is :STM32F042G6

Ss.61 by Associate III
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Unexpected EEPROM memory erase

HiI develop my own bootloader for STM32L152VC. The bootloader works, but I found something wierd.When the device is turned on and there is no need to write the flash the program jumps to the application and everythings works properly.When I write the...

TKova.1 by Associate
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printf does not work properly on stm32f407

I am using stm32f407 discovery board. My printf function works fine but when it comes to printing numeric values HardFault(Bus fault) occurs. It prints alphabets perfectly fine but cant print numeric values. e.g. printf("UFSR=%x, *pUFSR);  It prints ...

Krunal by Associate
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Resolved! Hardfault in __libc_init_array with STM32L072

Hi,I'm working on a STM32L072 project, with an environment composed of arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler version 10-2020-q4, make and Eclipse IDE.I'm having trouble with a hardfault occuring in libc_init_array function call in startup file. Using disassemb...

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OCout.1 by Associate II
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STM32F103 Reduce VBAT Current

My datasheet (STM32F103VC) states the Vbat current draw is 1.4uA. Is there a way to reduce this? I only need the backup domain for RTC/LSE. I know there are many backup registers as well. Could I turn these off to reduce current draw?

nmamore by Associate II
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Hello. I modified the .ld file with the aim to include another .ld file using INCLUDE "..\Mem_aux\MEM_0.ld", but at the beginning it's works, but when I modified the second file the changes didn't modify the memory layout.

There are any way to each time that I build the project, the changes made at the second linker script will be done? The main linker script is STM32F746ZGTX_FLASH.ld, and the other is called MEM_0.ld, and it's in another folder inside the project. Tha...

RExpo.1 by Associate
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STM32H7 · Coding within HAL ISR inserts delay

Hello, all. First of all, thank you for taking your time for reading this and helping me out.I am using STM32H743ZI Nucleo board, preparing the project for a power electronics application. Before any control algorithm I'm checking that the Interrupt ...

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Yvo by Associate II
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