Flash read write example for STM32L4S5.
Anyone know of a Flash read write example for STM32L4S5.Thanks
Anyone know of a Flash read write example for STM32L4S5.Thanks
Instead of using DTCMRAM or SRAM D1 domain via AXI, I set up the linker file to use D2.In system_stm32h7xx.c I added the lines: /* Change the switch matrix read issuing capability to 1 for the AXI D2 target (Target 2 and INI2) */ *((__IO uint32_t*...
Hello.As the MCU is very difficult to purchase this moment, we have a stock with about 2000pcs for STM32F051C4T6, however it was manufactured in 2013. It was 8 years in the warehouse, can we use it for mass production if the soldering process is not ...
Hi. I am using an STM32L073 based nucleo board. There are 2 external wakeup pins configured on PA0 and PC13 in this board which can be used to wake the device out of standby. If I write code to configure these two wake up Pins to wake up from the sta...
Hello,I'm trying to understand which steps need to be taken when exiting the stop modes with STM32L4R7ZIT.Say that we are in stop1 mode, RCC->CFGR-STOPWUCK == 0 (MSI). Before entering stop1 we were clocked by HSE 12 MHz via the main PLL into 120 MHz ...
Hi,I am working on SDIO practically for first time, so I am using STM32F769 as a SDIO host and ESP32 as a SDIO slave. from ESP32 examples I was able to understand how to set the SLAVE config, but I am not understanding on how to start with STM32F769 ...
Hi is it possible to use a 14.7456MHz crystal with a STM32G031 (LQFP32). If I'm right it is not possible at the data sheet, there is no OSC_OUT for this package. Or is the option missing in the data sheet? We need this crystal for an IO-Link applicat...
I want to use JSON library to send customized data to serverWhere i can get the library?Micro controller connected with modem (sim900a)Motive is to how to send Json formatted data from st controller to server.*My controller is :STM32F042G6
Hi,I am using STM32L073RZT6 board, i am use the wakeup pin PA0 and PC13 together on the standby mode but in the standby mode, PA0 wakeup pin is not working. I am enable both the pin before go to standby mode. The power Control Status Register arePA0 ...
HiI develop my own bootloader for STM32L152VC. The bootloader works, but I found something wierd.When the device is turned on and there is no need to write the flash the program jumps to the application and everythings works properly.When I write the...