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Resolved! How can UART_Tx impact neighboring GPIO pins?

I have a STM32G071 where, among other stuff, an UART interface an a GPIO input are configured. UART is mapped to PA9 - PA12 (Tx, Rx, CTS, RTS). PA8 is configured as GPIO input mode (no pull-up, pull-down). On the net connected to PA8 is a hall sensor...

IGärt.1 by Associate II
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UART working only in debug mode in stm32h743?

I am working on STM32H743 MCU. I generated the initialization code used stm32cubemx v5.3.0 and embedded firmware package for STM32H7 V1.5.0. I am using keil uvision v5.28.0.0.I initialized uart1 in interrupt mode. I am receiving data in buffer until ...

Akash_k by Associate III
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How do I make the onboard LED blink with a button press?

I am using the Nucleo-F767ZI board. I have the normally open of the switch wired to 5V.Common is to pin A0 and to R10K then pulled down to GND.When the button is pressed the pin A0 will go from 0V to ~5V.Want to blink LED1 at say 1Hz, then when butto...

RMcn.1 by Associate II
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How we can communicate between two cores

Hello,I am working on Nucleoh745ziq .Its have two cores cortex-m7 and cortex-M4, how making the communication between two cores. They give the example code for that but they doesnot give the proper information, which parameter we can configure in c...

MDeva.1 by Associate II
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ART Accelerator allowing 0-wait state execution

On an 'F4, I was working on a lengthy piece of floating-point calculation, and had to benchmark it, so I thought I'd share some of the results. Basically, this is a linear calculation with moderate amount of constants and quite liberal amount of sinf...

Resolved! Updating password stored on MCU flash

Hi All,​I have a situation where I would like to allow STM32H7 based embedded web server users to update the password which is originally hardcoded in the code using const keyword. Which effectively means password is placed in internal flash memory o...

A Maq by Senior
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How to use SPI for CD4094BE shift register

Hi Experts, I have a project like below. I am trying to send the data using SPI but the LEDS are not glowing in sending pattern. I am new to STM32. Could anyone please let me know if SPI can be used in this scenario OR not. STM3...

Bkris.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! I am using STM32F070F6P6 Help me about modbus/SPI

i want to build continuous potentiometer with dma which is sensing wind direction . I have to use modbus because send data on an another STM32F070F6P6 microcontroller, but in the reference manual pdf(page 22) it says we can't work modbus communicati...

Hhope.1 by Associate
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