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I'm trying to interface M95M04-DR with XMC4700. When I read RDSR, I receive all 0s.When I write to an address, again I get all 0s on that address. I'm attaching SPI configuration and code snippet please look help me to solve this issue.I've connected...
Hello all,I'm using STM32 F103CBT6 MCU on a custom board where MAXRS485 is used. Rx and Tx of the Modbus chip is connected to USART1 on the MCU.To receive and Transmit data I'm using UART in interrupt mode. The program also has 8 GPIO interrupts on m...
I'm using STM32F103C6T6 to capture input frequency configured on TIM2, Channel 1 (A0).I'm generating 1KHz frequency from Arduino Uno (using tone(Pin, 1000) function) connected to STM32 Pin PA0.Timer Configurations of STM32:Prescaler set to : 10000-1A...