Forum Posts
Resolved! jump from bootloader to application is not working in SDRAM in STM32H7
Hi ,I am using bootloader to jump application using QSPI .It is jumping proper in QSPI loader.I faced some timing issue in QSPI. I planned to use SDRAM or internal SRAM1 (0X30000000).In my MCU STM32H750XBH6U single core M7. In bootloader copied image...
Moving SystemClock_Config Causes Strange Erros
I know this is a vague question, but it's a very strange problem I'm facing. My application (based on STM32G0) is working fine. I used CubeMX to autogenerate all the code, and have been building on top of it. Now I am looking to clean things up a bit...
Doesn't transmit data via SWO STM32H743
I can not start transfer via SWO to STM32H743.Port PB3 initialized clock feed.Initialized SWO:*(__IO uint32_t*)(0x5C001004) |= 0x00700000; // DBGMCU_CR D3DBGCKEN D1DBGCKEN TRACECLKEN //UNLOCK FUNNEL *(__IO uint32_t*)(0x5C004FB0) = 0xC5ACC...
Stm32g0 production programmer
Any recommendation for production programmer for stm32g0? Volume range from 2k to 5k per run. Thanks in advance.
Any way to lower RAM in order to add to FLASH?
Hello All.I am working on a small project for a friend while learning the STM32 environment.The project is currently using a STM32F030x4 in a 20 pin TSSOP20.I have committed a sin; I have run out of Flash Memory.Is there any way to reduce the RAM all...
Has anyone gotten the boot0 pin to work on an STM32G071? (SOLVED)
It goes into the bootloader only with a virgin part, once programmed once (using the bootloader) asserting boot0 during a power on or reset runs the application code not the bootloader.
STM32 interrupt service routine and volatile variables
Hello,I'm using an stm32f411 which is a cortex M4 device.In my application I have an interrupt from an IMU in a 400hz frq. Every time the interrupt is called I want to read data from the sensor and process it using a filter function.I have a few ques...
For ADC input, my input signal is sinusoidal with no DC, that is, it has positive and negative value. Is it possible to convert a negative value without problem?
In the document, the input level is limited by Vref+ and Vref-. But Vref- seems to be tied to GND in general, which implies a negative value cannot be converted without problem.Can Vref- be connected external -5V or -3.3 V for handling a negative val...