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Forum Posts

Vbat pin drawn high currebt when power is off

I am using Nucleo 144 H745ZQi , connected vbat pin directly using coin cell, when power is off/unconnected, LD7 led ovcr indicator turned on and current consumption drawn from baterry was 50mA, also the LD5 led turned on. However when i reconnect the...

SJati.1 by Associate II
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DMA Uart Rx occur only once

I have followed an example found on the web to get DMA RX usart2 running.I had activate RX DMA, global interrupt in cubmx project.In the main I have :HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA(&huart2, RxBuf, RxBuf_SIZE); __HAL_DMA_DISABLE_IT(&hdma_usart2_rx, DM...

MGuil.1 by Associate II
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HAL_Delay / HAL_SuspendTick ?

I am trying to run code in LPSleep mode. I found a video that seems to describe the use of SuspendTick and ResumeTick to do this. I have created a small example where I push a button it jumps into an EXTI handler and toggles an LED. Within this IS...

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SWenn.1 by Senior III
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LPTIM -- 50ms debounce measuring 62ms ???

I have a scope and am triggering on the falling edge of a pushbutton. The LED drive signal is being monitored on another scope channel. The LED is to turn on 50ms after the falling edge of the pushbutton but in reality it is 62ms. LPTIM1 is runnin...

SWenn.1 by Senior III
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H725 screen flickering....

I'm using the STM32H725 for development.An image was displayed on the LCD.There is only one screen view, and a container is placed under it, and an image is placed in the container.The image is displayed normally, but the screen is flickering.However...

ssooki by Associate III
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Resolved! Really poor clock quality on the Nucleo-H753ZI board

I'm trying to use a Nucleo-H753ZI board for an audio (SPDIF) project and, compared with the Nucleo-F746 board I was using, the clock quality is abysmal - off frequency and with loads of phase noise. It appears to be derived from the HSI on the ST-LIN...