2022-04-14 12:27 AM
I' using USART1 to send and receive DMA with a module. When I configure DMA for one of TX or RX, it works fine. but when I configure it for both TX and RX, in RX-Buffer I have '\0' character in second position.
for example the receive buffer is so:
2022-04-14 6:35 AM
What are you expecting in the receive buffer instead?
What micro?
How are you verifying what is in the receive buffer exactly?
2022-04-19 12:08 AM
"What are you expecting in the receive buffer instead?"
"AT+CFUN=1" instead of "A\0T+CFUN=1"
"What micro?"
"How are you verifying what is in the receive buffer exactly?"
With Debug tools (Read it in "Variables" section) in STM32CubeIDE (not terminal)