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ADC Conversion time for stm32h750vbt6 ?

Hello,I am trying to measure the adc cycle time with the help of an oscilloscope, what is the most precise and correct solution?, I would appreciate if you could help me what method should I follow to measure it.

Resolved! STM32L4Q5 GPIO hardware fault

I'm using STM32L4Q5CGUX on my project. I found some gpio errors. When I write on PB9, it's written on PB8. And I can't write on PB11. Could you guys check together, please?

DAC OUTPUT differs DAC 1 & DAC 2 on STM32F429ZI

Hi, I used STM32F429ZI​I want to check the output of DAC channel 1 and DAC channel 2.​But, the output of DAC channel 1 and DAC channel 2 were different.​HAL_DAC_SetValue( &hdac, DAC_CHANNEL_1, DAC_ALIGN_12B_R, 0 )HAL_DAC_SetValue( &hdac, DAC_CHANNEL_...

지한.1 by Associate II
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Problems with HAL_I2S_Receive_IT

I need to receive I2S from from a device which digitises microphone audio and acts as an I2S masterI have use the STM32 Cube configuation tool to set I2S3 as a Half-Duplex SlaveWhen I callHAL_I2S_Receive_IT()I the code receives the callback into void...

Resolved! Received data not get into the variable

Hi everybody!I have an STM32F411RE Nucleoboard and an ADXL345-M accelerometer. I have 2 problems.I want to read 1 byte data from the accelerometer. In this case I want to get he device id (0xe5) and store it in a variable. In debug mode it seems that...

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MSzal.1 by Associate II
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Why FDCAN lose messages ?

I'm working on STM32L552RE. To read i use HAL_FDCAN_GetRxFifoFillLevel, and HAL_FDCAN_GetRxMessage. To write i use HAL_FDCAN_AddMessageToTxFifoQ.There is a mutex to avoid conflict. I don't understand why i'm loosing message when i write.Thanks for ad...

LDidi.1 by Associate
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