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STM32F429 Disco with HM-10

Hello! I just got the STM32F429 Disco board and I'm trying to connect it to the HM-10 bluetooth module. I'm completely out of my depth here, I was hoping someone could nudge me in the right direction.I've worked with the HC-05 and the HM-10 on the ar...

BBrus.1 by Associate
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There is no DWT in the M0/M0+ kernel.

Hi. I am using stm32l01c6tx. I want to use a very simple microsecond function. Libraries I have added below. "DWT" "CTRL" etc. when I included the libraries. It says not defined. But they are all in the "core_cm4.h" library. This library is in Driver...

ZKURT.1 by Senior
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Vbat pin drawn high currebt when power is off

I am using Nucleo 144 H745ZQi , connected vbat pin directly using coin cell, when power is off/unconnected, LD7 led ovcr indicator turned on and current consumption drawn from baterry was 50mA, also the LD5 led turned on. However when i reconnect the...

SJati.1 by Associate II
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DMA Uart Rx occur only once

I have followed an example found on the web to get DMA RX usart2 running.I had activate RX DMA, global interrupt in cubmx project.In the main I have :HAL_UARTEx_ReceiveToIdle_DMA(&huart2, RxBuf, RxBuf_SIZE); __HAL_DMA_DISABLE_IT(&hdma_usart2_rx, DM...

MGuil.1 by Associate II
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HAL_Delay / HAL_SuspendTick ?

I am trying to run code in LPSleep mode. I found a video that seems to describe the use of SuspendTick and ResumeTick to do this. I have created a small example where I push a button it jumps into an EXTI handler and toggles an LED. Within this IS...

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SWenn.1 by Senior III
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