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If I generate projects for the STM32U5A9 with sysclks/hclks of 4/48/90/160 Mhz.Then HAL_PWREx_ControlVoltageScaling is always ran early on including with an argument off PWR_REGULATOR_VOLTAGE_SCALE2 for 90 MHz.However the function HAL_PWREx_ControlVo...
The new STM32L4R9 svd file (version 2.0) has renamedTIM1_OR2 to TIM1_AF1,TIM1_OR3 to TIM1_AF2Removed TIM1_OR1 which is in the reference manual containing ETR_ADC1_RMP and TI_RMPAdded a new TIM1_TISEL at offset 0x68 which is not in the current referen...
I shall just write a function in software but I would be interested to know if it is supported or not by the CRC peripheral hardware.STM32 cube MX configurator does not allow you to choose X7 for the 7bit (8 term) polynomial described on page 21 of t...
Is the GPIO ASCR register purposefully left out of the register section of the reference manual for STM32L4+ series?Thanks
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