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Forum Posts

STM32 UART shows inconsistent outputs

From what I understand, the UART gets a char/byte one by one. I am trying to test this by adding '-' between each character of the string I send to the UART. However, the outputted values are very inconsistent when more than 1 character is sent to th...

JTurn.2 by Senior
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I am using STM32F030C6T6 I am unable to configure usart1 in the code. None of the registers get configured for usart1 below is the code Please Help. I am using Standard Peripheral Libraries.

void RCC_Configuration(void){   RCC_DeInit();  //RCC_AdjustHSICalibrationValue(0x00);  RCC_HSICmd(ENABLE);  while(RCC_GetFlagStatus(RCC_FLAG_HSIRDY) == RESET)    {;}  //PLL out = (8M/2)*12 = 48 MHz  RCC_PLLConfig(RCC_PLLSource_HSI_Div2,RCC_PLLMul_12)...

lernd by Associate II
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STM32F03 I2C1 not working?

i want to store data in to I2C EEPROM AT24C02 so in MCU I2C1 is used but i saw in oscilloscope I2C1 both pins are remains lowI2C2 works fine with i2c LCD.i placed pull up resistor 10k both line CLK & SDA in EEPROM.EEPROM address 0xA0how to solve it?e...


CAN Bus strange signal (solved)

edit: the problem was due to a CAN-master switching baudrates on the fly.the wrong (slower) timing was detected by the CAN controller causing the interruption of the ongoing transmission.Hello Community !I am implementing CAN communication with an in...


STM32:496 ADC1/2 dual mode, ADC3 independent?

I am using STM32L496 with ADC1/ADC2 in dual regular simultaneous mode with DMA and seeking to have ADC3 independent sinple single conversion. Code works either with ADC1/ADC2 or ADC3 but not with both. Can ADC3 run independent if ADC1/ADC2 are dual?

BSmit.2 by Associate
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How get timer state?

Hi,I´m reading the doc of my kits, stm32f767zi and stm32f429zi, but if anyone could help I´ll appreciate. I need start and stop a timer named htim3, as follow:if (HAL_OK!=HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim3)) Error_Handler();But, if I execute the code twice...