I am using the FDCAN_Classic_Frame_Networking example for the STM32G0 part. Instead of using the 64Mhz clock I have a 16Mhz oscillator connected. The example uses a 1Mb bit rate at 64Mhz. My hardware and ioc file are setup to use the 16Mhz as FDCAN1 ...
Hello.The project I am actually working on uses several peripherals such as USART ADC SPI etc. I am trying to use as much DMA as I can, but there is something that I miss in the reference manual and on the internet.Can I use ONE channel with TWO stre...
Hello,I was testing the B-L475E-IOT01A_Iot_Node board, and the inventek wifi firmware was written incorrectly, and the board crashed.Can I get a firmware file so I can rewrite the entire firmware for this board?
Hi.This is a really simple question but I don't seem to be able to figure out the problem. I was trying to generate a PWM output (using Timer 2 CH1) on my blue pill board but nothing appears on PA0 after I upload the code.Edit: I am referring to this...
Hi,I'm having a problem that I simply cannot explain so any help is welcomed.I'm trying to flash the G4 via UART, to put it simply the app receives a reflash request via UART then it erases the other bank that isnt being used and writes the new doubl...
Hello,neither in a STM32L0/L4/U5 datasheet I find electrical specifications for the LPTIM unit.At least the maximium external frequency needs to be specified.Regards
I use counting on TIM15 and now need change to 14 , but seems here external pulses counting dont work. FYI STM32F030Is any setup for 14 possible?
Hi everyone First time i read the nand ID with fmc it was all good.It was 0x2c 0xF1 0x80 that the micron told.But some times it couldnt read the id and it was all 0xff.Now when i read the id, i get two different ids.first ox2c 0x1 0x2 0x3 and sometim...