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Forum Posts

How to fast read GPIO?

Hello,i'm reading GPIO using internal instruction of GPIO_ReadPin function like "(GPIOC->IDR & GPIO_PIN_1)?1:0;" but i didn't get actual speed. So is there any alternative way to read GPIO fast ?Regards,Yash

Yash by Associate II
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Writing bytes to internal flash memory blocks all interrupts on the STM32L0 despite moving the vector table and ISR functions to RAM

The ContextI have a embedded system running on an STM32L053 processor that needs to process STM32 hardware timer interrupts regularly and cannot be disabled. These top-priority interrupts cannot be prevented because it could cause a failure in the wh...

I2C dumping 255 as data instead of actual Values

I am using about 13 (PCA9554A & PCA9554AD) I/O expander IC to connect sensors to STM32 F103 micro-controller through I2C. Upto 3 PCA9554 IC works fine, but the moment I connect 4th IC, it starts to dump 255 from all the i/O Expander ICs.The data is l...

CK.3 by Associate III
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Hello. I am making software with STM32F030CCT6 processor. I am trying to make ADC with or without DMA. I always face this problem in F0 series. I can read only one channel. When it switches to multi-channel, it transfers data from a single channel to...

Ygndz.1 by Associate
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UART/USART DMA IDLE Receive with unknow data

Hi,I'm trying to build a software to retrieve data from an solar inverter.After I success to send data, it was the time to receive the data. I choose the method with DMA IDLE to receive data in a circular buffer.In this mode, after a lot of debugging...

EasyNet by Associate II
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