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is there any difference between STM32F407ZET6 (made in Philipine) and STM32F407ZET6( made in Taiwan)?

Associate II

I'm OEM, I bought materials such as component and IC base on my customer's gerber file, BOM and manufacture PCBA or finished products for them. recently one of my customer's products needs STM32F407ZET6. first phase, 50pcs of PCBA no problom, second phase, I did 100pcs, but my customer found complain that that he cannot write program into this IC as it made in Philipin, and he found that the same if it made in Taiwan, then it ok.

the same IC , made in Taiwan and made Philipin cannot changable, why?

I already bought 1000 pcs of STM32F407ZET6 for phase 3 production, I need solve this problem asap.

thanks and regards


I'm not sure there's a significant difference in quality for parts that have final manufacture/package in Philippines, Taiwan or China, the wafers are also diffused at several different sites. The lead frames and plastic may also differ slightly.

Double check that you have the part correctly orientated. The Pin 1 marker and mold eject pins can be confusing on the parts. For the F4 parts double check you can see around 1.25V on the VCAP1/2 pins. This and SWD/JTAG connectivity provide a quick test that the part is correctly mounted and functional. From the programming tools you should be able to pull chip ID, and Flash memory size.

You'd need to pull complete markings from the ICs, and related reels do get any trace done.

Given current market conditions there is a high potential for counterfeit or remarked products.

Are you able to reproduce the programming problem yourself? What tools are you using? What exactly is error/failure reporting as?

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Dear Tesla Delorean
Thanks for your mail, we double checked STM32F407ZET6 ( made in Taiwan and in Philippine), they are all from ST agents, so we suppose those ICs are good. Please note the reports from engineer in the attachment, maybe you can help us to find out what happens in our using these ICs.
Your early attention will be highly appreciated!
Thanks and Best Regards

I don't see any attachment.

Also note I don't work for ST, or any of the involved parties.

If you are working with ST Agents/Distributors, you should work this via the FAE's and support engineers there.

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Dear Tesla DeLorean

The word file may is too big, I transferred it to PDF file, let me know if you can receive

Best Regards

Esam Zhou

Dear Tesla DeLorean

If possible, could you kindly share us the contact information of your FAE or Support Engineer in China or someone in Shanghai or Suzhou.

Thanks a lot.

Esam Zhou

Did you read what Tesla said? He doesn't work for ST!

Also edit out those ridiculously long marketing signatures from both of your comments. And your website doesn't even work...

Sorry, I did'nt realize that the mail I wrote to him will be post in this community. Let me fix this problem.
