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Resolved! STM32F411 cant get PLL to stabilize using HSI

Hi,I seem to behaving an issue getting my STM32F411  PLL to stabilize using the HSI. The code I am using shown below. Setting it to 100MHZ.  The code gets stuck in RCC_GetSYSCLKSource() != 0x08 ) continue; . It never returns 8.  I had originally got ...

Resolved! How to enable QSPI PSRAM as data memory

Hi:I use STM32L4P5RG with APS6404L-3SQR to develop GUI.I want use QSPI PSRAM as data memory for GUI.Now, I enable QSPI PSRAM as data memory as follows:1.configure QSPI PSRAM , SPI with NVIC in CubeMX2. add PSRAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x70000000, LENGTH = ...

Resolved! STM32G0B1 USB clocking

I am working with am STM32G0B1CB for USB communications, using Zephyr as my OS.  I am trying to have multiple CDC ACM serial ports, so that they will show up as /dev/ttyACM0, /dev/ttyACM1... on Linux.  Everything seems to work fine if I have only one...

Screenshot from 2024-11-02 21-07-56.png
rm5248 by Associate II
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I'm trying to configure the ADC to read to values at a specific time in my system that uses the STM32G474.I have two channels of peak current mode control using the HRTIMER. The outputs are reset from either a comparator event or max duty cycle compa...

DamageG by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F103C8 - 8Mhz 33pf xtal ?

The datasheet suggests load of 20pF .Due to size constraints, I hope to use 8Mhz resonators of this size seems to have 33pF

pilot by Associate III
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Resolved! Understanding STM32F103C8 AD Vref and AD range.

Do I understand the datasheet correctly when I believe the internal 2.1v reference is something internal, and the AD is still operating within VCC/3.3v as upper limit? Copilot suggested this:  // Enable ADC1 and configure itRCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2EN...

pilot by Associate III
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STM32G0 reseted after GPIO interrupt happened

I'm using gpio interrupt inside there void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Rising_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin){static uint32_t push_time;if(GPIO_Pin == IS_FUSED_Pin){pin_int_now = HAL_GetTick();if(fuze_push_time + DEBOUNCE_INTERVAL < pin_int_now){LED_Green_On();fuze_pu...

Screenshot 2024-11-02 at 15.23.02.png
Bigdan by Associate II
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Array initialization

I know that the question will be trivial, however, I do not understand why the instruction uint8_t dataRx[4] = { 1 }; does not initialize all the elements of an array to 0 ... but only the first one:I have programmed little in the last while so I wil...

stm32 array 2.png
luke514 by Senior
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