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Forum Posts

Resolved! Lost UART First Byte on Reception

Hello All ,   I am using UART6 of STM32H7 series MCU for reception of 9 Byte data . UART is  losing first byte when receiving data on UART using interrupt. Setup: 1. I am using full duplex RS485 (Modbus) 2. I have 2 MAX485 IC one for reception & anot...

devendra_0-1728379361480.png devendra_1-1728379396381.png devendra_2-1728379630762.png devendra_3-1728379674583.png
devendra by Associate II
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Facing an issue with open bootloader on STM32U0

Hi Team, I am facing an issue regarding the open bootloader. Recently, I downloaded the open bootloader source code for the STM32U0 boards, and I was successfully able to load hex files via the STM32Cube Programmer over UART. However, I encountered a...

kRaje.1 by Associate II
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STM32H757 SWO Debug Error

I get the following error when trying to debug an STM32H757 with SWO enabled. Failed to enable SWV configuration.Failed to execute MI command:-data-write-memory 0x5c003010 x 4 0x77etc...It would seem the debugger (ST-link v2) is not able to read the ...

CWadd by Associate
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DMA RX does not generate an interrupt

I'm using the STM32F407T6 for the first time and would like to be able to communicate with my computer using TTL.I'm trying to transfer the data by DMA but why the RX interrupt is not triggered after confirming the receipt of the data I want to recei...

Connoe by Associate
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Why is the range of PLLVCO duplicated?

Hi, I am using STM32H563 Nucleo board, and found the PLL1VCOSEL bit of RCC PLL clock source selection register.There are duplicates in the settings.Does anyone know why is the settings duplicates?I would like to know why and use case. 


stm32f756 CAN Communication

I am trying to communicate with CAN, but it seems that I am not receiving Rx. I would like to know the reason for this static void MX_CAN2_Init(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN CAN2_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE END CAN2_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE BEGIN CAN2...

Dlak by Associate II
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