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STM32H723 ADC DMA (PF7/PF8/PF9/PF10)

Greetings,Platform Details:GCC 10.3 + CMakeSTM32H723 Nucleo-144I am currently a bit struggling with the ADC Conversion via DMA. My software is working with many other ADCs, but for some reasons, if I am using following ADCs, the values from the DMA-C...

SSchn.8 by Associate II
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stm32l432 does not measure ADC after sleep

hi i am trying to measure battery voltage with Vrefint channel. it works . when the microcontroller goes to sleep, after waking up, the battery measurements do not work.while (1) {HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc1); HAL_ADC_PollForConversion(&hadc1, 100);adc = HA...

dden0.1 by Associate
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how to use hal_nand_get ecc?

Hi.I can read and write from nand flash memory with fmc but when is use this function for a test code it mostly returns zero and i think its not ok.addr.Block=1; addr.Page=0;   HAL_NAND_ECC_Enable(&hnand1); HAL_NAND_Read_Page(&hnand1, &addr, aRxBuf...