Hi community!I would like to understand if it is normal that when I use DMA method to receive data the callback related to this method are invoked even when there is nothing connected to the Tx and Rx pins of my microcontroller.I'm using a NUCLEO-F30...
Dear all,How to choose the Input capture filter sampling frequency? Is there any method to choose the appropriate value for ICxF bits or do we have to try and find the best value? Anyone has experience with this topic, please share the experience you...
I try to VREFPIN in internal mode (so VREFPIN is an output).Based on IDE STM32CUBEIDE 1.3.0 and using a STM32G071 MCU.The generated code is : void HAL_MspInit(void){ __HAL_RCC_SYSCFG_CLK_ENABLE(); __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE(); /* System interrupt init...
On a STM32G431K8 I'm using the DMA1 to handle SPI1 data transfer (channel 1 for data receiption and channel 2 for data transmission).I'm using STM32CubeMX for code generation, resulting in following SPI1 and DMA1 initialization:/** * @brief SPI1 In...
Hi,I'm working on una custom board with the STM32L562VET6Q, and i'm also using the STM32CubeIDE for developing and the STlinkV2 for debugging.I'm struggling because if any interrupt is enabled the program hang.I have made a simple configuration with ...
I am using STM32L46 CAN and trying to receive a chunk of data from the remote device .When its 73bytes I do not get any messages . I see the first 8 bytes in RDL0R and RDH0R. Also I see RF0R as 0 FIFO interrupt being enabled. I am using STM HAL APIs...