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Hello,I have problem with ping request and RNDIS server. I use STM32F746G-Discovery and Windows 7,10,11.My steps:I compiled the example STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.17.1\Projects\STM32746G- Discovery\Applications\USB_Device\CDC_RNDIS_Server for FS and uploaded...
Hello,I have a problem with internal reference in STM8L151K6. I run Vrefint channel measurement. I read VREFINT_Factory_CONV from @ 0x4910. Measurement values:Vref_measured: 1311VREF_Factory: 0x600 + 0x7B = 1659VDD_Factory: 3V -+ 10mVWhy Vdd = ( VREF...
HelloI have the problem with USART baud rate in STM32F09x. I want to use baud rate: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200bps with data length - 8 bits, parity and one stop bit. I can connect to the device at all speeds except 19200. Microcontroller uses ...
Hello,I have problem with CRS (Clock recovery system) in STM32F091xx. I use HSI48 and I want to generate synchronization with LSE (32.768 kHz).How to set FELIM in CFGR register and TRIM in CR register ?Thank your for help.
 Hello,I have problem with my project on STM32F4. I use Lwip, Freertos, and 3 TCP sockets in separate threads. The first and the second is for the modbus. The third is for the website. When the first and the second socket’s threads are in the waiting...