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STM32 Read Protection And Rx-Tx pins

I've flash protection level-1 on my stm32f429. When I open the flash protection on my mcu and connect the serial prolific to read and send data under UART. My source code couldnt run. But if I remove the serial prolific's from the pins. And reset the...

DCtech by Associate II
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Resolved! Ymodem protocole

I am looking this source codes to use Ymodem protocole, I've a question about that, Line 65 says to us as in below:/* /-----...

DCtech by Associate II
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Resolved! OCTOSPI as Single-SPI

Hi everybody,I'm trying to configure the OCTOSPI1 bus as Single-SPI to read the status register of an external memory (MRAM).What I expect to see on the scopeWhat I really see:The MCU sends the comand (0x05) on the SI line, generates 8 clock cycles a...

0693W00000JP5s9QAD.png 0693W00000JP5ogQAD.png 0693W00000JP5pKQAT.png
JoseFdez by Associate
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STM32L0xxx firmware update over LPUART1 Pins

Dear Team,We design a board in which one host controller si driving the STM controller over LPuart1 whose pins are as below.Part Number: STM32L073PC4 - LPUART1_TXPC5 - LPUART1_RXNow, We want to update the firmware of STM using the host controller on ...

stm32f407 dma and interrupt ENCODER mode.

Hi, I'm pretty new to stm32.My goal is to use HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start() , HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start_DMA(), HAL_TIM_Encoder_Start_IT() commands from Hal library. I have the stm32f407 Discovery polling mode//-----------------------------------------...

MKara.13 by Associate
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Flash Erase Problem After Reset

I've flash erase problem after reset.My source code routine like this:1) Boot code start at address 0x08000000 2) Than read eeprom value if eeprom value is User value3) And jump user application. ( To 0x080A0000)4) After the successfuly jumping, I ge...

DCtech by Associate II
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Resolved! Hi. I've included the code below. I want to pause for 10 seconds in standby mode. The code works once and never returns. And there is no serious drop in Ammeter. What could I be doing wrong?

#include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #define printf(...) HAL_UART_Transmit((UART_HandleTypeDef *)&hlpuart1, (uint8_t *)u_buf,\ sprintf((char*)u_buf,__VA_ARGS__), 0xFFFF); uint8_t u_buf[256]; /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 *...

ZKURT.1 by Senior
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Keil error for STM32U5 project

I'm using the STM32U5 and when I create a basic project in Keil and compile, I get the following error:"Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol SECURE_SystemCoreClockUpdate (referred from system_stm32u5xx_ns.o)."How to fix this?I don't want to use STM32Cube ...

K-.2 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F103C8T as SPI slave

Hello, I'm trying to set up SPI communication between an MCU as master and the STM32 as slave. Data reception in the STM32 works fine, but I'm not being able to transmit data to the MCU from the STM32. I'm using the interrupt callback to read and sen...

DBern.7 by Associate II
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