2022-08-02 4:16 AM
Im currently building boot loader to securely boot the firmware by signing the firmware images and verification during the boot of the firmware.So i'm using controllers like stm32f411,stm32f446,stm32f746 and stm32h723 ,I believe from the available documents of these board , it doesn't support cryptographic verification digital signature from hardware side.
I have seen boards like stm32f469 ,STM32F779 and stm32h7 series contains crypto co-processors providing hardware acceleration . Can i assume that boot rom can instruct to cryptographically verify digital signature and root security services ?
Also is there is any way to digitally verify signature without boot rom and still have a secure boot ?
2022-08-02 4:35 AM
This is quite a complex topic. Check https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/ecosystems/stm32trust.html to get an overview. It has a list of MCUs and certification types/levels achieved.
The crypto accelerator alone is useful for many applications, including encrypted network transmission etc. not directly related to booting.
2022-08-02 10:17 AM
Thank you i will look into it.