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Resolved! How can I set the address for DMA

I try to use DMA to transport data from GPIO input regester (GPIOx_IDR) to some other buffer memory. DMA reguest is created by timer with input capture mode so I turn on DMA by HAL_TIM_IC_Start_DMA(). This function doesn't have a arugument for source...

SShir.2 by Associate II
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STM32L01x SPI Transmitt 32bit

Hello Guys,I'm new here and more from the hardware side.My problem is, I have a SPI ADC (ADS8665) and for it to work, it needs 32bit commands.So I tried this:uint8_t buff[4]; buff[0] = 0xC8; buff[1] = 0x00; buff[2] = 0x00; buff[3] = 0xC8; HAL_SPI_Tra...

0693W00000KdT1zQAF.png 0693W00000KdT3WQAV.png
FPaul.1 by Associate II
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I am using the STM MCU timer for PWM. This PWM signals goes as input to external MOSFET configured as push pull. So I want the timer pin to be in high impedance state during some instance of time and rest of the time give the PWM output signal.

I tried the following functions to make the timer pin high impedance, but nothing works:-          __HAL_TIM_DISABLE(&htim3);          TIM_CCxChannelCmd(&htim3, TIM_CHANNEL_3, TIM_CCx_DISABLE);          __HAL_TIM_MOE_DISABLE(&htim3);I also tried to c...

anu2083 by Associate
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Resolved! I am trying to set up a I2C slave using a STM32F103C8Tx

I used STM32CubeIDE to create the project. The configuration that I used for the i2c is attached. I generated the code and added the following code in the "USER CODE BEGIN 2" section right after the call to MX_I2C_Init(). I made no other changes. uin...

JGaby.1 by Associate II
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Is not posible to use: "<",">" in stm32f0, keil v4?

I´m using this:void definir_polaridades (void){ if (contar_valor_1_hsync<contar_valor_2_hsync){//DEFINIR POLARIDAD DE HSYNCpolaridad_hsync=5;} else {polaridad_hsync=10;} if (contar_valor_1_vsync<contar_valor_2_vsync){//DEFINIR POLARIDAD DE VSYNCpolar...

With a STM32L4, I would like to use one channel of DMA1 to read the ADC and another channel to transfer the buffer from memory to UART. Basically, I would like to have some sort of oscilloscope (for positive values only and below 1 MHz signal).

Which is the best approach to manage the use of DMA and "control" the flow of data? Implementing some interrupt when the buffer is filled? Is it possible to put one channel of the DMA on "hold" while the other has full priority? Or two DMA are requir...

Resolved! STM32L083RBTx unexpected periodic reset

Hi,I can see weird behaviour on my STM32L083RBT6. Do not know where to start - I will try:When I run my app with Window WD - everything works fineWhen I run my app with Window WD disabled - not every start of my app (power on by inserting battery) st...

JJRR by Senior
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MCP2515 with STM32F429

I am sending spi signals to mcp2515 and tring to take CAN signal out of it. Is there an example that i can look and see what is wrong in my code?

SaidErsoy by Associate II
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