I have a Nucleo-F412ZG which ST-LINK is not detected by Windows10. On first Windows10 machine, after fiddling with the drivers, it is now detected as USB Serial Device (COMX), on the second windows10 machine it is as a Jlink CDC UART Port (COMX)Neith...
Does anybody have any experience in using exactly the same pin as an ADC input and a communication GPIO (out), as two alternating functions? Would it be possible to switch between them? If so,can the GPIO drive the small capacitor that is typically n...
Hi there!i try to configurate TIM14 for generate one interuupt every 1000ms just for try but dosent't work . the frequency is 16Mhz i setup a prescaler 1600-1 and the Counter period 10000, but i diden't receive any interrupt. Before the while i turn ...
I can’t program my STEVAL using SWD neither UART right now. My last FW only configures my accelerometer an them goes to SHUTDOWN. When the MCU is on SHUTDOWN mode I could never program STEVAL using SWD (in Keil or using BlueNRG-X-Flasher Utility), bu...
Source:int main(void){ HAL_Init(); RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct = {0}; RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct = {0}; RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInit = {0}; /** Initializes the CPU, AHB and APB busses clocks */ RCC_OscInitStruct.O...
Bir projemde stm32l052 kullanmaktayım ve işlemci pin sayım yetersiz gelmekte. Acaba programlama pinlerini programlama yapmıyorken gpio olarak kullanabilirmiyim?
I try to use DMA to transport data from GPIO input regester (GPIOx_IDR) to some other buffer memory. DMA reguest is created by timer with input capture mode so I turn on DMA by HAL_TIM_IC_Start_DMA(). This function doesn't have a arugument for source...
Hello Guys,I'm new here and more from the hardware side.My problem is, I have a SPI ADC (ADS8665) and for it to work, it needs 32bit commands.So I tried this:uint8_t buff[4]; buff[0] = 0xC8; buff[1] = 0x00; buff[2] = 0x00; buff[3] = 0xC8; HAL_SPI_Tra...