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Resolved! [SOLVED] SCK idling high when SPI module is stopped

 FIX: Enable pull-down resistor in SCK pinInit parameters:CPOL=0 CPHA =0, so SCK level should be idling at LOW level.Software NSSHalf-Duplex, master modeSoftware: CubeIDE 1.9, CubeMX 6.5.0Device: STM32F411CEIssue:Regardless of the clock config, SCK i...


STm32f401 interface to mpu9250 is not working?

I am using the STm32f401 interface mpu9250 sensor with i2c communication.accelerometer and gyro values are getting, but magnetometer is not working(constant values getting),WHO AM I register getting 0x75 instead of 0x71.Regards,naren

Nredd.1 by Associate III
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Resolved! I've got a very strange situation on my STM32G0B0VE GPIO pin A8 gets to be the inverted signal of what PA9 is (it doesn't matter what PA9 is it can be output or Tx of Uaert1). I've checked the errata sheets. See details for more information...

I've made a software so small that it does only the following steps:1) init clock and everything to work.2) in the main program I set PIN GPIO_A_8 to input with pull up enabled, nothing is connected to that pin except for a scope probe.3) then I conf...

SCous.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! FLASH Memory erase sector

Hello folk, i hope you fine, i am using the STM32L072, i need erase FLASH memory from 0x08008000 up to the end, i read in the datasheet that every sector has 4Kb and every page has 128 bytes, i have the following: FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef borrat;   ...

RComa.1 by Associate II
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